her lips spoke silence...
her mind was numb...
her eyes were tightly closed...
and her heart paralysed...

Come to me...
Come to me...
come and forgive...
the infinity of my soul...

Saturday, December 26

pointing her finger to the sky...and wondering....

when i wake up
in the morning
and see all the faces
i just can’t

youarebonbon:  (via suzywire)

day-breaking:  (via hyonacool)

day-breaking:  (via ohdenzel)

undertheoak:  longlivethequeen:ipictureyouinthesun:gatekeeper:   hautelikecouture: (via bendthelight)

daybreaks: (via staree)

...so he was unsure of words never spoken...
and his lips were heavy...
and heart was bleeding...

it is quite...
it is....
it's keeping people...
and miracles...
and it is called...
T R U T H.

and it does exist....

PS:...in beautiful stories my mother just to read to me.

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